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June 04, 2008

The Power of Blogging

"If a friend is in trouble, don't annoy him by asking if there is anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it." ~Edgar Watson Howe

Jai& Bee did it!

We are delighted by the stupendous response of people from different walks of life from across the world joining hands to help Bri. Most of us have not even met her. But we know what a warm person she is, through her blog and that is more than enough.

Thank you for your overwhelming generosity in response to the CLICK for Bri fundraiser. We are truly grateful for your help. 51% down. 49% to go. Please help us keep up the momentum.

On June 5, 2008, Garrett will be talking about the CLICK for Bri event on CBS 13/CW31, Sacramento at the 12:00 noon news program. Be sure to check in for an easy and delicious summer cupcake recipe.

Whole Foods has agreed to donate the ingredients and use of its premises for a cooking class by me to two lucky folks. I have done a few TV demos before. You can see one at ‘Good Day Sacramento’ HERE.

Ann of Sacatomato has also put up as a prize a copy of her cookbook. You can bid for my cooking class or a host of other cool prizes HERE.

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